Suffolk Plein Air Festival 2023
The City of Suffolk is gearing up for the third annual Suffolk Plein Air Festival, September 5-9, 2023. Plein Air Artists from the around the country and internationally have applied to participate.
Juried Plein Air Artists will enjoy capturing the beauty of Suffolk Virginia’s waterways, landscapes, and cityscapes, compete for prizes, and sell their artwork. Seeing our city through the eyes and talents of others is a highlight of this week-long outdoor painting event. CASH AWARDS will be given for the Best In Show, $3,000; 2nd Place, $1,000; along with 3rd Place, $500. Additionally, there are non-monetary awards given for Top Rural, Top Waterway, and Top Urban paintings.
Key events include:
Tuesday, September 5
9am: Artist check-in. Drop off optional Plein Air exhibition artwork
Tuesday, September 5 – Friday, September 8
Artists’ Painting Days, rain or shine. Artists will be provided with suggested painting locations throughout Suffolk.
Friday, September 8
8am-12 noon: Juried Plein Air Artists painting around Suffolk.
12 noon: Deadline for artists to submit wet paintings at the Suffolk Art Gallery.
3-4:30pm: Judging of new Suffolk Plein Air artwork at the Suffolk Art Gallery.
6-10pm – “WET PAINT SALE & SOIREE” and Awards Reception: This special evening includes heavy hors d’ouevres, open bar, live music, and a wet paint sale showcasing the newly painted works of art by the invited and juried artists, providing guests with first access to purchasing the new artwork created during the Plein Air Festival. Location: Suffolk Art Gallery. TICKETS REQUIRED.
Saturday, September 9
10am-4pm: Suffolk Plein Air Art Exhibition at the Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts. See artists’ new artwork painted throughout Suffolk during the Festival. Artwork available for purchase! Open to the public; free admission.
11am: ‘PAINT the TASTE’ Check-In begins at the Taste of Suffolk Downtown Street Festival.
12-2pm: Artists painting during Taste of Suffolk.
2-2:30pm: ‘PAINT the TASTE’ painters submit new artwork for judging.
2-3:30pm: ‘PAINT the TASTE’ artwork available for purchase.
Sunday, September 10
9-10:30am: Unsold artwork pickup
The Plein Air Festival is presented by Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts, Suffolk Art League, Downtown Suffolk, and Suffolk Tourism. For questions, please contact Festival co-chair Darlene Keyt at suffolkpleinair@gmail.com.