TGIF Fall Concert Series – Slap Nation
A little summer rain won’t stop us from hosting the rest of our series! Join us for our TGIF Fall Concert Series on Friday, October 25th at our Downtown Festival Park – 215 W. Washington.
The concert is free and open to the public. Fun kicks off at 6, band performs from 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Food and beverages, including adult beverages will be available for purchase for those 21 years and older with proper ID.
Coolers and canopies/tents are not allowed at these events.
Leashed dogs are welcome.
Leashed dogs are welcome.
To learn more head over to suffolkparksandrec.com.
Worried about the weather? Call (757) 514-7250 extension 5 for the latest weather updates.
For more information, contact Suffolk Parks & Recreation at (757) 514-7250, or sslate@suffolkva.us
- Contact Phone: 7575147250